“As for the needles, for each there is an appropriate usage; each has a different shape. Each fulfils its specific function. That is the essence of needling”

Nan Shu chapter 1

TCM Scalp Acupuncture is a modern acupuncture treatment based on knowledge of traditional acupuncture and neurology. It has been used as the main treatment protocol in Chinese hospitals in Heilongjiang province in Northern China for over 40 years. It is done by inserting acupuncture needles into the loose areolar tissue layer of the scalp to stimulate the brain neurons of the underlying area.

Since the skull protects the brain and there are no organs in the scalp to injure it is a very safe treatment. Scalp Acupuncture works by stimulating the brain cells that are related to the impaired functions. The mechanism is three-fold: to ‘wake-up’ the brain cells that are not dead but lacking in proper functioning, to encourage recruitment of healthy brain cells to perform the lost function and to promote a healthy reintegration of the brain system.

Scalp Acupuncture is most commonly used for post-stroke and brain surgery recovery where Chinese TCM hospitals are leading the world in this field of medicine.

There is good clinical evidence for its treatment of neurological problems including Paralysis, Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Traumatic Brain Injury, Motor Neuron Diseases, Phantom Limb Syndrome, Meniere’s Syndrome, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Chorea, Alzheimer’s Disease, Restless Leg Syndrome and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.


Toyohari Meridian Therapy is unique to Japan and is part of the oldest system of acupuncture still in daily use.


Moxibustion is one type of hyperthermia therapy method that originated in ancient China well over 2,200 years ago.


As in acupuncture, points are activated on the ear using inserted needles or non-invasive magnets or tiny pellets.


Points on the hands are stimulated in the same way body acupuncture points are used in treatments.