Tui Na is a hands-on body massage treatment that uses Chinese martial arts principles in an effort to bring the eight principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) into balance.

Acupressure (Zhi ya) has been used for thousands of years in China to treat the symptoms of ill health by applying the same principles as acupuncture to promote relaxation and wellness and to help relieve the symptoms of illness in the body. Acupressure is often thought of as simply acupuncture without the needles and can be used by anyone at any time after some basic instruction. It comes under the Tui Na category of treatment and is the most basic level of Chinese manual therapy.

In treatment, physical pressure is applied to acupuncture points or ashi (painful trigger points) with the aim of clearing Qi blockages and stagnation in the affected primary and sinew meridian systems. Pressure is applied by hand, elbow, or various traditional massage tools. In theory many objects found in our modern households can be used when necessary.

In 2011 a systematic review of 43 studies of acupressure’s effectiveness at treating symptoms found that 35 of the 43 studies had concluded that acupressure was effective at treating certain symptoms.


Toyohari Meridian Therapy is unique to Japan and is part of the oldest system of acupuncture still in daily use.


Moxibustion is one type of hyperthermia therapy method that originated in ancient China well over 2,200 years ago.


Used to help treat pain, deep scar tissues in the muscles and connective tissue, muscle knots, and swelling.


It is one of the oldest holistic health therapies still in use today and is part of the state healthcare system in China.